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Selecting Case Formers by Box Type

In order for production to run smoothly, there must be thought put into the initial set up. The type of product you manufacture dictates the type of case you should use, and the type of case you use will help to decide which piece of equipment you need. Not all cases work with every machine type, therefore it is important to consider this when you are narrowing down your options. 

  • RSC - This is the most common case type and works with all of our case formers. 

  • FOL - After evaluation of the folding sequence, this case will work with our CF-5 semi-automatic former

  • SLB/RSC - This box was designed to form manually, and so it does not work with any of our machines. 

  • CSBC - This style will work on all of our equipment. 

  • HSC/POP - This style will work on all of our equipment. 

  • CT Top & Bottom and FPF - None of our machines work with this type of box. 

View all case formers offered by Loveshaw to determine which erector will work best for you. Contact us with any questions you have or for help selecting the proper equipment.

Below you'll find the most commonly used case types and the type of application they are most commonly used in. 

Types of Corrugated Boxes

RSC - Regular Slotted Container. This is the most common style container. The flaps meet in the center and can be taped, glued or stapled to close. As in all containers, the  bursting test of the corrugated board can be calibrated to carry and protect the size and weight of the contents.

SLB/RSC – Snap-lock BottomRegular Slotted Container Top. Regular flaps on top for normal closure. Die cut flaps on bottom afford quick set-up on the assembly line. Good for lighter weight products.

FPF – Five Panel Folder. Scored and slotted with a fifth panel used as the closing flap at the packing line. Box has no manufacturer’s joint. Usually used for longer flat products. FOL flaps provide excellent puncture resistance and stacking strength when laid flat.

CSBC – Center Support Bridge Container. Regular slotted flaps on top and bottom for normal closure. Has added panel in the center of the box for stacking strength. Added panel will also provide two separate compartments.

FOL – Full-Overlap Slotted Container. Slotted box with flaps that reach the opposite side of the length panels. Provides superior strength to the flap area. Good for heavy objects and rough handling. When laying flat on the largest panel, the flaps provide excellent stacking strength.

HSC/POP Shipper Display – Half Slotted Container. Window cut in any panel can provide excellent visual access to the product inside at point-of-purchase. Variations can provide self-shipper displays for counters or for pallet oriented distribution of consumer goods. Suitable for display of products at club warehouses and mass merchandisers.

For more information on how to properly select the correct case erector for your business download our Case Erector Playbook.

Free download / Case Erector Playbook