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Label Applicator Cuts Labors Costs for Bottled Water Supplier

Little David Case Study


Little David / Loveshaw LX500P

LX-500P Labeler


We were invited by Rusco Packaging to visit a bottled water supplier located in South Georgia.  The company was exploring a labeling solution to increase production efficiencies. The existing tamp label application was not working effectively. 

Due to the warm and humid environment, employees would utilize fans to cool their areas. Depending on the proximity of the fan to the labeler, some labels which were being tamped onto the case, were not sticking properly. The supplier stationed an operator at the end of the line waiting to hand apply missed labels.


After an onsite demonstration of the LX-500, which wipes, instead of tamps the label onto the case, the supplier ordered the label applicator. After successful installation of the LX-500 labeler, the supplier ordered two additional labelers for other facilities.

The purchase of the LX-500 labeler has resulted in: 

  • Reducing labor costs by 100%  - Eliminated the need to have an operation stationed to manually adhere missed labels
  • Increased label placement accuracy


  • Wipe-On Label Applicator
  • Drive Roller-Free Patent-Pending Feed System
  • Accurate and Reliable Brushless Servo Motor
  • Instantaneous Setting changes
  • Durable Stainless Steel Peel Blade
  • Easy-to-Read LED Text Display
  • Built-In Diagnostics

Click here to learn more about the LX-500P Label Applicator