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Semi-Automatic Case Sealer For Narrow Boxes

Little David Case Study


LD-3SB Operator-Fed, Side Belt Case Sealer with Narrow Box Option


We were invited by Stamar Packaging to visit an industrial supplier of sealants located in Illinois who was in need of a new case sealer. Their existing case sealer was crushing tall, unstable and void boxes.


After an onsite demonstration of the LD-3SB – narrow box option, the supplier agreed this box taper solved their unstable and case crushing problems. Loveshaw’s CAC60 tape cartridge pressure adjustment feature allowed the supplier to avoid applying too much pressure to the boxes.

Little David / Loveshaw case sealers - semi auto sealer for uniform cases

The purchase of the LD-3SB box sealer has resulted in faster production due to: 

  • Virtual elimination of crushing of void boxes which caused box jams
  • Tall, unstable, narrow boxes secured due to narrow side belt option of 3¼” 


  • Speed: 76 fpm 
  • Case Range: Length: 3” - Inf / Width: 4 - 20” (narrow box option of 3 ¼”) / Height: 4 ½” – 24” (high mast option up to 34")
  • Compact Footprint: 32”x 33 ½” x 59 ¼” 
  • Easy to operate
  • Single mast design for safety, quick, easy case changeover: slide and lock height and width wheel adjustment
  • Durable: Built with heavy gauge steel to last in the most demanding 24/7 operations, front and rear horizontal leg braces for added stability.
  • CAC60 Case Locker Tape Cartridge with five patented features
  • Top and bottom tape cartridges are interchangeable

Click here to learn more about the LD-3SB case sealer